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9320404477 / 022-27704477/ 27704457


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9320404477 / 022-27704477/ 27704457


FIR-Non-Surgical Spot Reduction

Diabetes Management

Unlike the conventional Mesotherapy, FIR Spot reduction or Non invasive mesotherapy does not use needles or micro injections to take the actives to the localized fat depositions, instead natural FIR is used to take the actives to the affected areas, which is purely of plant origin and approved and licensed formulations to the areas of fat depositions. The fat is removed by natural excretion process of the body with absolutely no side effects.

FIR Spot reduction or Non invasive body contouring or Non Invasive FIR mesotherapy is totally non invasive, No needles, No knives, No surgery, No anesthesia, No pain, No side effects, assured results in every sitting, minimum of 6 cms – 9 cms, immediately and further more thereafter, as the fat busting process is continuous for 2-3 days after the session with no side effects at all.

Advantages of FIR Spot reduction or Non invasive body contouring